This process allows you to plan the goods movements goods issues, stock transfers and goods receipts via reservations.
A reservation enables your actual stock on-hand to be divided into unrestricted-use stock and reserved stock. This also enables you to define the sequence in which customers or other recipients are supplied.
A reservation can be created for an article or for a number of articles. Each reservation contains information on the use, article number, planned quantity, planned date of requirement/receipt, and the valuation type if the article is subject to split valuation.
Reservations allow you to:
- Plan goods issues
A reservation for a goods issue is a request to the warehouse to reserve articles for issue at a later date for a specific purpose (such as for your own consumption or for a sales order). This makes the goods issue process easier and allows the goods issuing department to prepare the work. This is also a valuable source of information for Requirements Planning, helping to identify a state of shortage and replenish stocks, if required.
- Plan stock transfers
Reservations for stock transfers allow goods issues to be planned in the issuing center. They are used for stock transfers in one step.
- Plan goods receipts
Reservations for planned receipts are created to enable you to plan goods receipts from a vendor when Purchasing is not active in SAP Retail.
Process Flow
You choose a movement type and define the purpose of the reservation (goods issue, transfer posting, goods receipt) and the sites involved. Depending on the movement type, you enter the receiving and/or issuing organization unit and the account assignment data. You define the scope of the reservation (articles and quantities) and the required date. If required, you can block the reservation items from movements. If the article is subject to split valuation, you enter the valuation type. The system adopts any empties items. If you require, you can enter any returnable transport packaging (RTP). The system checks the availability of the article. When you post the reservation, the system updates the reserved stock and creates a reservation document. Notes and Remarks
You can only create reservations for a particular purpose - you can only enter the one movement type and account assignment (such as a cost center) in a reservation.